Turtles think plastic bags are jellyfish and fish mistake tiny plastic particles for plankton.
4.8 - 12.7 million tons of plastic end up in the oceans every year.
Scientists estimate that 399,000 tons of plastic are currently floating on the surface of the oceans.
According to information from environmental organizations, the total amount of plastic waste in the sea down to the deeper layers amounts to
many millions of tons.
The garbage in our oceans consists of bags, PET bottles, packaging, cigarette butts, and and and. This plastic is a constant
growing problem and killing tens of thousands of animals every year.
Unfortunately the plastic parts are too often mistaken for food.
Another problem is that animals often get caught in trash and die in agony in this way.
Even abandoned fishing nets, so-called ghost nets, are increasingly becoming a deadly trap for many marine life.
(Collected from the sea & recycled these ghost nets are part of the material from which the SAVETIME OCEAN BIKNIS are produced.)
8.3 billion tons of plastic have been produced worldwide so far.
91% of the discarded plastic is not recycled.
12.7 million tons of plastic get into the sea every year.
2050 there will be more plastic than fish in the sea.
It takes up to 600 years until plastic is decomposed into micro-plastic.
40 million Plastic bottles are used every day in Germany.

There are over 700 species of sea animals threatened by plastic.
Sea turtles confuse plastic with their food - 50% die of the consequences.
Seals & Sea lions get caught in plastic bags or the like and die painfully.
98% of the explored albatrosses are found with plastic particles in their stomachs.
More than 10% of all polls and dolphins already have plastic in their stomachs.
All kinds of fish absorb microplastic.
Plastic can enter our body in different ways:
- By drinking contaminated water.
- By eating a fish that has already come into contact with the toxins dissolved by plastic.
Plastic also contains the toxic substances lead cadmium and mercury.
Plastic toxins are directly associated with cancer birth defects immune diseases and developmental disorders in children.
BPA is used for many packaging especially plastic bottles and food packaging.
BPA is known to have a negative impact on the human hormone system.
Inform yourself.
Recommended film: e.g. A plastic ocean
(more movie recommendations from me)
Try to avoid plastic packaging.
Pay attention to the ingredients in cosmetics (microplastics)
Reusable instead of disposable (e.g. your coffee to go)
Who still needs plastic bottles?
You don't have to be perfect so it's great if you try to stick to it maybe 99.9% in one day;).
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